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Breaking News & Press Releases
Breaking news, press releases and expert analysis on legal issues, wrongful detentions, and travel risks in the UAE and surrounding regions. Our press releases are reported on television, radio and print media across the world.


Detained in Dubai
Jul 28, 20224 min read
Is Liz Truss fit to be Prime Minister? The Gulf in Justice Podcast asks Brits detained abroad
Is Liz Truss fit to be Prime Minister? GULF IN JUSTICE PODCAST asks Brits detained abroad Gulf prisoners & human rights victims say “Liz...
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Detained in Dubai
May 28, 20203 min read
Dechert partner Neil Gerrard fails to rebut allegations of human rights abuses
Deputy Judge Andrew Lenon QC has now handed down his judgment in the case of Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority (RAKIA) v Farhad Azima....
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Detained in Dubai
May 20, 20207 min read
International law firm Dechert named in another suit involving Ras Al Khaimah Ruler’s wrongdoings
Dechert sued in UK and US for human rights violations and misconduct acting for Sheikh Saud, ruler of RAK Already in court over...
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Detained in Dubai
May 8, 20203 min read
“Leave Dubai before you are jailed” - Coronavirus lockdown economic disaster risks gulf expats
Dubai expats face jail over lockdown economic crisis Radha Stirling, CEO of Detained in Dubai, founded in 2008 has warned foreign workers...
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Detained in Dubai
May 3, 20204 min read
Qatar human rights violations liable to be sued in UK
Joseph Sarlak, Ranald Crook and Jonathan Nash - Detained in Doha When foreigners move to Qatar, it’s usually on the basis of an...
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Detained in Dubai
Apr 9, 20203 min read
UAE banks increasing aggression towards debtors during Coronavirus crisis
Aggressive. UAE banks and their agents have been increasing debt victim harassment during the Coronavirus pandemic Around the world,...
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Detained in Dubai
Apr 1, 20204 min read
International law firm Dechert served with lawsuit for torture and human rights violations
The High Court of England is set to hear claims that British lawyers from Dechert broke human rights and UAE laws in their investigation,...
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Detained in Dubai
Feb 27, 20203 min read
“I plead for your attention and intervention” - Son of André Gauthier, Canadian detained in Dubai,
Alexis has appealed to Sheikh Mohammed in a heartfelt letter, “I cannot emphasise enough how much stress and hardship....
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Detained in Dubai
Feb 24, 20202 min read
Political prisoner put in UAE solitary confinement after accusing Dechert lawyers of torture
Lawyer Karam before his imprisonment Following our earlier news item about Karam al Sadeq filing a Claim in the London High Court against...
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Detained in Dubai
Feb 14, 20203 min read
Growing fear for British victim in hellish Egyptian jail. "Human rights abuses are rife, and th
Family man. Tony Comoccio in church at a recent wedding. Radha Stirling, CEO of Detained in Dubai, issued the following statement on...
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Due Process International Limited
Jan 28, 20204 min read
Law firm Dechert sued in London for human rights abuses in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE
The London office of Dechert, a major international law firm allegedly crossed the line into criminal abuse and torture in their work for...
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Detained in Dubai
Jan 28, 20204 min read
Law firm Dechert sued in London for human rights abuses in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE
Dechert lawyers sued for human rights violations over treatment of prisoner in UAE The London office of Dechert, a major international...
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Detained in Dubai
Dec 23, 20193 min read
Canadian whistleblower hearing set for December 24th in Dubai
Supportive Trudeau administration seeks André's return to Canada - PM Trudeau, André Gauthier, Radha Stirling André Gauthier, the...
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Detained in Dubai
Nov 12, 20193 min read
Briton Andy Neal acquitted in Abu Dhabi. ‘This case should have never happened’ Radha Stirling.
Andy Neal before his arrest British veteran Andrew Neal has been acquitted by an Abu Dhabi court of baseless drug charges after over a...
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Detained in Dubai
Oct 27, 20192 min read
Stirling to lobby AFP on Interpol Reforms following Hakeem Alaraibi blunder
Interpol under spotlight for human rights violations over abusive notices AFP to receive reform advice from Australian Interpol expert...
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Detained in Dubai
Oct 14, 20192 min read
“New UK “crackdown” on Interpol arrest procedures endangers human rights” - Radha Stirling
Government to announce crackdown on foreign criminals as part of hardline new measures included in Queen’s Speech It was announced today...
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Detained in Dubai
Sep 20, 20194 min read
Spanish High Court dismisses Qatar extradition request for Irishman - Qatar’s Interpol aggression
Regular Interpol Abuser Qatar, funds Interpol project An Irishman’s nightmare began when he was arrested in Spain after Qatar had issued...
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Detained in Dubai
Sep 19, 20193 min read
Emirati jockey who promised to drop charges against American mother & horse bite victim, lodges
Anoud Al Suwaidi (left) takes additional charges against Nichole Coffel (right) US mother of 3 Nichole Coffel, from Missouri, who was...
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Detained in Dubai
Sep 17, 20193 min read
Stirling: Gulf States’ wrongful detentions must be raised to the United Nations
United Nations Arbitrary detention and wrongful convictions occur every day in the Gulf States. Sub-standard investigatory and...
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Detained in Dubai
Sep 5, 20192 min read
American told to prove she did not violate Cybercrime laws in Abu Dhabi
(Left) Anoud Sultan Al Suwaidi. Accused of creating false cybercrime charges to avoid paying American mother of 3 Traci Nichole Coffel...
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